A review by sambora
The Dark Tower by Stephen King


*This will be a spoiler-free review.*

This book made for a satisfactory end to the series. This was, in my opinion, the best the series has been for a while. Alas, I don't have particularly strong feelings towards it because, honestly, the journey getting here didn't keep me all that engaged. The books were hit and miss and the few before this were a bit of a slog for me.

However, here in book #7 (#8 if you count "Keyhole") I found the direction, the purpose, the focus that I felt the last few books lacked.
There were scenes of horror that created in me a classic Stephen King sort of fear that I don't remember feeling this whole series. The characters felt vulnerable and at risk, increasing the tension from scene to scene. They had mysteries, the clues to which were foreshadowed well and the answers to which were satisfying.
It still had it's meta, fourth-wall breaking, often straight up wacked elements, but I felt they added to the journey here, rather than distract from it like they so often did before.

The Dark Tower did indeed go some way towards redeeming the series in my eyes. And funnily enough I am sure I would get more from the series if I were to ever read it again, which I may. I will be giving it a few years at least though, if I ever do.

I haven't got much more to say, other than despite my mixed feelings on the series as a whole, I am glad I read it.

4 stars for this book.
3 stars for the series as a whole.

Thank you for reading my review. Long days and pleasant nights.