A review by julie_hastings
Swing and a Mishap by Tara Sivec


"Don't you get it yet?" I ask quietly. "Whether it's at first, or second, or in the outfield. No matter where I kiss you, Wren, I'm already home."

We have already met Wren's character in the first installment Kiss My Putt. Wren is the sister to Birdie. We also very briefly met Sheperd at the end of the same novel when he came back to Summersweet Island after an injury to be the new head coach of the freshman baseball team. He also happens to be Wren's life long crush since they were in high school.

Sheperd Oliver is thee most swoon worthy character I've ever met in a book or a movie. Or a man in real life, really. This book was just as great as Kiss My Putt if not better. I absolutely adore Wren and Sheperd. Wren is the quiet type who is always doing things for other people instead of herself and Sheperd, was a former Major League Baseball player who knows what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it. Or should I say, her.

The Summersweet Island series I can already tell will be a favorite of mine for all time. I love the feeling of island living, I love the feeling of a close community where everyone knows one another and is there for one another. I love the fact that this family is all together on the island to be a part of each others lives and I just simply love the family dynamic of Sheperd, Wren and Wren's son Owen. It is a feel good story that comes with a happy ending.

Swing and a Mishap is a friends who broke apart to come back together as lovers type of novel. These boys have got to get their shit together and start getting things right the first time around. But hey, according to the books the make up afterward isn't ever all that bad. This book had me laughing out loud and reading certain parts to my husband when he would give me certain looks of craziness. I even shed a few thoughtful tears as well because I feel like Wren and my personality is one of the same.

This book was based around the sport of baseball and there is simply no other sport that can make me more happy than baseball. It has been my all time favorite sport since I was a child and that will never change. The smell of a baseball glove, the beauty of a ball field at sunset, or the crack of a bat to make a heart feel full.

I am very curious though for the third installment where we will get to learn more about Wren's best friend Emily and the hot quarterback that has been off limits for the last 4 years of her life due to her being one of the teams cheerleaders. Welcome back home to Summersweet Island Emily. I cannot wait to meet you.