A review by ness11
Poet by A.M. Johnson


*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

10 "I need all of Kieran O'Connell's words" Stars!!!

You know that moment when you're reading a book and you just have to stop and close your eyes and take a moment and press the book against your heart and soak up the words because it's too much. And not too much in a bad way. But too much that you have to take a minute to appreciate the breathtaking literature because once the book ends that's it, your high is gone. And even as the days go on you can't help but still live within the words and are still breathing the characters inside the pages. Because that's just how exhilarating the book was. That's what happens when writing so exceptional makes you feel everything to the core. And 'Poet' by A.M. Johnson was that and so much more.

Ever since Kieran was introduced in 'Possession' the first book in the Avenues Ink Series, I knew there was something about him that would call to me. And he didn't disappoint in the slightest. Kieran wasn't like any other H I've read before. He was pure and so innocent with a heart made of gold. He was everything good and I basked in his light. And his love of words is what spoke to me the most. The way his ink stained fingers poured his feelings onto paper left their fingerprints on my heart. I craved them and him like a starved desert seeking water. Kieran O'Connell is not like others. No, he is so much better.

"She called me Poet because my words circled her wrists, drew her closer as she stood on that cliff and watched me fall."

I need to take a minute right now and just appreciate the h, Melissa. Boy, I can't even begin to tell you how she entranced me. She was like a siren beckoning me, calling me to enter her warped mind. And I went, I jumped willingly. Melissa has gone through a lot. Her life's been a roller coaster, one bumpy ride after another. She's been to hell, and clawed her way out of the darkness. What I loved was that she wasn't a goody two-shoes or some innocent lamb. She was raw, gritty and fragile. And she didn't try to hide her vulnerability. She was a fighter, and her strength was a thing of beauty. But above everything, Mel was a survivor. Surviving countless demons and finding the light to greater and better things.

"She’d given me back the syllables, the letters, and I wanted her to have them all. I wanted each goodbye to be hers, to resonate. I didn’t know her well, but I think… I think my soul did."

"He was trust and I was a lie. He was innocence and I was wicked. I’d tell him I was everything he hated, and then show him there was no way to win me when he’d already lost."

Kieran and Mel were two characters that were destined to find each other. They both needed one another to show the other the meaning of what it is to fully accept and forgive. I lived and breathed Kieran and Mel. I couldn't get enough of their friendship, their playful banter, and especially their love. They loved so wholly. If two people were meant to be, it was definitely Kieran and Mel.

"It doesn’t matter what wrongs you’ve committed, because I’ve seen the bright white light of your soul and it’s stunning."

Amanda, I am in awe. With every book you write, it just gets better and better. I don't like picking favorites, I really don't. And don't get me wrong, I love Declan and Liam. But Kieran, OMFG, Kieran was EVERY! THING! I fell so hard for him and I was okay with giving him my heart. He was simply the best! Thank you for giving us his and Mel's story.

While I read this book there was a poem that kept creeping in my head. It's by one of my favorite writers. And I think it captures Kieran and Mel perfectly. It's called 'The Defining Moment' by Beau Taplin. And it goes like this....

"You were an unexpected surprise
The defining moment. The collision of stars
that slammed into me hard and sent my neat
little world plummeting into the ocean.
I never expected it to be you, you know?
But it is you. It's all you. And now there's no
looking back."