A review by beyondevak
Caught Looking by Meghan Quinn


Okay...this story was a mixed bag of tricks for me. It was a little of everything. It was playful, sweet, raunchy, rude, sad, ridiculous and extremely raw in parts. Instead of one big storyline about a boy and a girl (so to speak), it was a hodgepodge of stories about several people. I wasn't really expecting that.

My Thoughts...

Jane and Brady: Where to begin about these two... I liked them, but they both got on my nerves. Jane was someone I cheered for in the beginning, however her insecurities and trust issues got old very quickly. It was like she was hot and cold. She was feisty one minute and then she was fickle the next. I did not like this inconsistency. Brady, on the other hand, started out with an interesting story - a good guy with a "bad boy" reputation. There was certainly more to his story than could meet the eye. The way he fell over himself to get with Jane was endearing. With that said, however, he went from what I considered to be a strong male figure to a slight wuss. C'mon crying repeatedly! I just could not believe it. In the end, I thought their relationship hand was overplayed. And one more thing, what woman who is totally in love and head over heels with a man who has professed his unwavering devotion would say I'll move in with you versus get married to you? Seriously!

Molly and Luke: These two were certainly a hot mess of sweetness. They added flavor and punch to this story. Reading about them was like consuming the spiciest dish. The crude language they used and the intense situations they were in were something else. They could have been or maybe I should say should have been labeled the TMI twins. I don't think I have ever come across... Well, let's just say that I was not prepared for their crazy-in-love action. As a reader, I will say that it was obvious that they cared deeply for one another. Their story was different and slightly predictable at the same time. Still, my heart was moved when the news came. Is it weird to say that I believe we will see Luke again? I hope so.

Albert: Miss Albert was interesting. His story was captivating even though there wasn't much to it. I liked his loyalty to his friends. That spoke volumes.

Michael and Kelly: Dang! That was a bad situation, right? It was easy to like Mike even though he still needed to grow up and get a pair. I didn't care for his puppy dog, unrequited love thing he had toward Jane. Yikes! I wanted to say, "Get over it already!" For goodness sakes, he was married. Despite all of this, I felt for Michael. He seemed like a decent guy who just got played by a bozo. Kelly was a piece of work for sure. I am cheering for Mikey boy to land on his feet. One more thing about Michael...he seemed "overly sensitive" in certain parts of the story. Cocky jock and overly sensitive, that was a strange combo.

Laney: This chick was a total loser. I was not expecting her to venture into the story the way she did. She kicked up a little dust, but not too much. She could have been utilized more, I dare say.

George: Jerkwad alert! He was a douche. I cannot for the life of me understand why Jane did not press charges against him. He got off too easy. It's easy to guess that I DID NOT LIKE HIM. He deserved to be jailed.

The appeal of this book for me revolved largely around the fact that it was set in Atlanta. I found that intriguing. I loved the whole Atlanta Braves angle. Even the Falcons were mentioned, which was way cool. The story offered variety, conflict, love, romance, and loss. It was quick-paced and easy to follow. I liked it, but I did not love it. Would I read a second book from the series? It's a toss up. I think I might simply to see what happens with Molly and to see if Luke will miraculously reappear. Wishful thinking, I know, but oh, I am hopeful.

Rating: 3/5
Audience: Adult (WARNING: Profanity, Adult language and situations, Sexual content)
Status: R

An e-copy of this title was made available for review by the publisher/author in exchange for an honest critique. I affirm that the words I have shared are indeed my own. I was not required to submit a positive review, simply an honest one.