A review by isabellarobinson7
Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson


Second read: 24/11/20 - 27/11/20

Rating: (still) 5 stars

Rereading my first review of Towers of Midnight, I cannot believe I forgot to mention my love for chapter 13. It is honestly one of the most precious things in any book ever. As precious as Charlie from Flowers for Algernon. As precious as the One Ring (though I think I know a certain someone who would disagree with me on that point). Whenever members from the same family make up I get all warm and fuzzy inside. And this is truly unusual for me. I'm not a very... feely person. I don't feel stuff strongly, or often anything at all. But this chapter, man, it is the perfect response to Rand and Tam's reunion in The Gathering Storm. It's like TGS chapter breaks my heart, and then ToM's heals it. (Wow, it's all the cheese and corn over here)

First read: 13/06/20 - 16/06/20

Rating: 5 stars

This is my second attempt at gathering my thoughts together for this review (but is it really a review when the main reason I write them is for me to read in the future to know my thoughts on the book, rather than make them public?) because having only finished the book a few minutes ago, I am still reeling over what happened.

Towers of Midnight is a strange book to pin down, because while it is a lot of set up for book 14, so much happened. At its core, the book was just a means to get characters where they needed to be for the Last Battle, but it was also so eventful and action packed that it didn't feel like it (not sure if Sanderson or Jordan was responsible for this. Perhaps both).

This is the book where Perrin became cool again. Finally! I understand his arc with Faile and the wolves all need to happen, but he got quite boring for a while. His chapters felt largely removed from the likes of Nyneave, Egwene, Rand and all the rest, and it made his storyline less interesting overall. Now, his subplot has been tied into the rest of the casts', with the inclusion of the Wolf Dream which is pretty much the same as Tel'aran'rhiod and his tussle with the Whitecloaks being more connected to other characters' stories.

Mat was largely absent from the book up until the last few hundred pages (well, I don't really know because my perception of the pacing in Towers of Midnight is off, as I read the last 330 pages in a single sitting) where his presence was quite integral to the story.
SpoilerHis relationship with the Aelfinn and Eelfinn is really interesting (they make perfect rivals for Mat) and the encounter with them in this book was one of my favourite parts. And Moiraine came back as a result! Moiraine! I knew it was coming because her fate had been spoiled for me already, but it was still exciting.

There were also three accepted marriage proposals in Towers of Midnight (though only two of the couples actually got married). While this was a lot for someone whose experience with romantic-ness in media is cringing and turning away when people kiss in movies (I swear, I am like a 7 year old child), it also made me even more excited for A Memory of Light, because if we're getting all the love stuff out of the way in book 13, the finale is (hopefully) going to be all out action!

Speaking of love stuff,
Spoilerwhere did Moiraine and Thom come from? I know that I am not them most adept at spotting romantic chemistry or flirting in general, (I didn't pick up on Nynaeve and Lan until the end of The Eye of the World when the words "wife" and "husband" were on the page right in front of me) but I'm not that oblivious, am I? There have been so many scenes where Thom has talked about Moiraine since she "died" and nothing seemed amiss to me. Are you telling me that all his mourning was over more than a lost friend? How clueless am I?

We didn't get too much Rand in Towers of Midnight (with no POV until the epilogue even) but I am finding that I rather enjoy reading him from other people's perspectives. When he came in to save Ituralde and his men who were retreating after a failed siege of Maradon and took back the entire city single-handedly (literally in his case) it is all told from Ituralde's point of view rather than Rand's, and I think it made the scene really effective. Rand's character development is so impressive, and you don't always see that from his POV chapters. I didn't enjoy The Eye of the World as much as other people seem to when I first read it, but I think that upon rereads the full extent of Rand's character growth would be very clear in the first book, and I think that will enhance my overall opinion of it.

Morgase's reunion with Elayne and Gawyn were great scenes. I'm not the biggest fan of Elayne and Gawyn individually as characters (they both get on my nerves at times) but finding your mum alive amongst all the turmoil is special.

Some more random things I loved that I don't have enough to say about to warrant a paragraph/can't be bothered:
- Perrin finding Mat trying to catch badgers
- "There, holding to his father, the Dragon Reborn began to weep."
- Perrin and Egwene's encounter in Tel'aran'rhiod
- "'Father,' Rand said, resting his hand on Min's back. 'This is Min Farshaw. And she's very special to me.'"
- Egwene defeating Mesaana in her sleep (because it was in Tel'aran'rhiod, hehe funny)
- Nynaeve's Aes Sedai test and Lan-related spoiler stuff

I read Towers of Midnight very, very fast. And knowing me, I'll read A Memory of Light even faster. Either that or it will take me a week to come to grips with what happens in every chapter that I will never be finished. It's going to be one or the other. And I am so looking forward to it.