A review by shile87
The Hunt by J.M. Dabney, Davidson King


1.65 stars

In my defense!


MC: 1 – Ray Clancy – Disgraced cop turned PI

MC 2 - Andrew Shay – Waiter

The story started ok, building, I am there telling myself, finally a great serial killer mm book. YAY!

Everything should have worked, we have a disgraced cop turn PI - Ray, a serial killer on the loose and Andy a younger guy/serial killer target as the love interest. See? This combo makes my blood boil, stomach churn and everything in between. The story had that film noir, AE feel. I was an excited baby peanut.


Then! THEN! The MCs meet, i.e Ray the PI meet the potential serial killer victim/love interest - Andy and boy DISASTER! UGH! It is freaking bam boom! kiss, Insta! Don’t get me wrong, I like me some Insta when it is done right, here, it was all ugh! I couldn’t feel the zing connection at all, I wish it could have at least been Insta- Lust, or they could have just stuck to investigating.

Speaking of investigation, where was it? You are hunting a serial killer, PLEASE! just HUNT!!!


I read mystery to follow along on the whodunnit, if it is sprinkled with a little bit of a side romance, i am a happy camper.

There are still good cops out there, right? I found it hard to believe that a witness to a serial killer murder would be ignored by the police, these guys form units to hunt down serial killers, sometimes it takes years and they take any help they can get. It was a poor set up to let Ray take lead on the case.

The writing style was a little off, especially the transition between the chapters, it was hard to tell keep track of who was talking, and it was all telling and no showing.

Anyhoo don’t mind me, maybe I have read/ watched so many mystery books /TV shows that I have become immuned, I knew the serial killer the moment they appeared on page.

The premise was all set, but I feel the execution failed.