A review by 10billionghosts
Rebellion by Lou Morgan


Okay, but, like, if it's a war between angels and fallen angels, and the fallen angels were constantly regenerating, why on earth would you punish arguably minor transgressions by cutting off an angel's wings thereby making them fall and adding them to an army that wars for thousands of years constantly just regenerating upon death? I don't need a physics degree to tell me that eventually that scale's going to tip in the fallen angels' favor.

Also there is no resolution whatsoever in this book. None of the characters grow as people in any meaningful way. You don't learn much of anything new that you couldn't have extrapolated from the first book. I read it in a day and felt like I wasted my time because I was just reading what essentially amounted to the episode before the season finale of a tv series. A tv series with seven female speaking roles across 2 books - almost 800 pages - the only gay characters having their sexuality skirted around (and then inevitably one of the gay characters is killed because of course) and a woman lead who is constantly placed upon a pedestal AND called inadequate AND called special BUT ALSO NOT SPECIAL who is supposed to save the day but is constantly just standing around confused while the male angels save and mansplain (mansplaingel?) everything to her.