A review by ellejaoy
Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrian


Holy Moses on a pogo stick

Elle's new catchphrase, #justsaying.

I need to start off by mentioning something I really love about Lara Adrian. She just isn't afraid to give readers a healthy dose of reality and angst in her books. Although I am a complete sap and prefer everything to be pink, fluffy and glittery, life is not that. Lara Adrian isn't afraid to make people suffer, or even die, and that is a great thing! It adds so much to this series!

I really loved this book. Like, really loved it. Dante & Tess where such good characters but there was just something about it that made it impossible for me to give it 5 stars. The plot was a little 'eh' at times and as much as Dante and Tess where lovely together, neither of them where truly lovable separately. As much as I loved it, I don't think I could read it again either.

I would of loved to see more of the breed. This book seemed to be solely focused on Dante or Tess 98% of the time and what little other character development we got was Chase. I really loved Chase and I kinda wanted him together with Elise (who needed a good slap in my opinion. didn't have an ounce of sympathy for her which i suppose makes me a horrible person).

Actually now that I'm babbling on I think it was the lack of other characters that let this book down (shush, i have a thought process). At times it seem Adrian shoved in other characters, like Rio, to remind us there where other people in the Breed. They felt like fillers, more so than an actual part of Dante's story.

The ending didn't surprise me really. I knew that Chase had to be the one and that by that stage there was no real option for him to do anything other than what he did, but after all the talk about recruiting at the start, I was kind of hoping that they'd ask him to come back.

The last scene between Dante & Tess also made me want to punch something. It was just so sweet, which was something that I didn't really think their relationship was capable off. Neither of them where sweet people and although they clearly cared for each other, there was no need for the syrupy dialogue.

All that being said, I can't wait to continue on with this series.