A review by lilyantan
Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning



When one has caught the fancy of a Jericho, one must immediately proceed as below. No questions asked!

Jericho has totally took over Eric's (Sookie Novels) place as my paranormal prince. Sorry Eric.. but you have been dismissed. There's a new supernatural in town and he's got tattoos.

I'm sorry.. what? You want me to actually review the book? I see, so the mere presence of Jericho is not enough for you, huh? Fine then, have it your way.

Bloodfever by Karen Moning

NOT a Sookie Stackhouse rip off after all! (I'm sorry for saying that, I take it back). This is a dark fantasy. Bloody, dangerous and treacherous. Mac doesn't know who she can trust and is being played by a number of factions.... Ah, fuck it. Wouldn't you rather just talk about Jericho instead? No?

How about now? Did you change your mind? Still, No?!

Well, the truth is, Jericho Barrons is all that the series has going for it at the moment. The chapters he's in are riveting. He's the big mystery. Who is Jericho Barrons and why is he after the Sinsar Dubh. That's what I want to know. I don't care about the Lord Master or Mac's revenge obsession. I just want to read about Jericho. Where is he going? What is he doing? Who is he!!!

4 Jericho Barrons stars.

I took one off for the "Fuck you psychology" ending. The whole Malluce plot line was just plain ridiculous. I mean it's just insulting to all the people who have been through inhumane situations and are fucked up for life because of it. Mac's reaction to what happens to her is so completely unrealistic that I can't write it off as a fantasy exaggeration and move on. No. You get one star deducted for that Moning. The rest you can have just for creating Barrons.