A review by shelfcontrolreviews
Say Her Name by Dreda Say Mitchell, Ryan Carter


This book…WHEW! It was a ROLLER COASTER of emotions. I felt absolutely everything from sadness, triumph, hopelessness, joyful, & whatever else you can really think of.

Eva, who is biracial, decides to find out about her biological family & that is when the ride is clicking up before the drop. It’s told from two points of view - Eva & (until later on) “No Name”. This extra perspective really pulls you in to understand the depths of what you’re about to get into. There’s mystery, intrigue, a con artist, families trying to come together, psychological twists, unsolved crimes, & so much more! It’s written in such a way that you feel like you’re standing next to Eva & “No Name” at every turn. You’re constantly on the edge of your seat.

Once I got started, I didn’t want to put it down. I lost some sleep dying to find out what happened next. This was my first Dreda Say Mitchell and Ryan Carter novel. I cannot wait to choose my next read coming from either of them!