A review by czytatnik
The Dream Weavers, by Barbara Erskine


2 stars

I feel like I've been lured into a trap with this book. At the beginning it really look good. I like the story, the characters might have been a bit too one-dimensional and writing style wasn't my favorite but then you cannot have everything at once, can you? Plus, I really was thinking that it's going to develop into something better. Oh, boy, how wrong I was for thinking that. This book was... So... Painfully... Slow... If it have had half of the pages it has now I wouldn't mind one bit. Around page 300 I've started to see that the story kind of started going in circles. It was all over again the same unbelievable and unrealistic problems that could've been and should've been resolved in no time. But no, author has just thought that her readers will be stupid enough to not notice that. Outside of this, there was also a lot of completely unnecessary blabbering. I felt like this book was some kind of a project that needed to have as high number of words as possible and she was just trying to fill the pages with whatever she was thinking about at the moment. It didn't really make much sense towards the end.

All of this has made me even more disappointed because at the beginning of this book I was truly enjoying it. It seemed to be kind of light and fun read with a touch of magic and some history stuff. By the end I was just turning pages for the sake of finishing this. The more I read the more it was becoming just boring. Characters, instead of developing, were somehow becoming even more flat and unrelatable. I wasn't engaged at all in this tragic love story from the days long past. If anything I just wanted it to be finished with. One example of how badly the characters were created is that I have no idea how Bea looked like or how old she was. If I was to judge from her actions, I'd say she was in her mid to late twenties. But that cannot be, since she had two daughters old enough to be on uni. That was a fantastic move as well. She had children which were absolutely accessory in this book. We know their names and there were maybe two occasions when she was talking to them on the phone. That's it. So we only see her in relation to her poor husband, who is mostly out of the house anyway. Other than that she has some friends but doesn't meet with them too much, or contact in any other way. Unless she needs something from them, of course.

All in all, this book really started as something interesting and I was truly hoping it will go in the right direction. Unfortunately, that was a huge disappointment. Half of the book could be removed and I wouldn't even notice. Not recommending this one.