A review by kelz31
Fallout by Gwenda Bond


Lois Lane. Army brat, misfit, do-gooder, and newest student at East Metropolis high school. Since her dad requested a permanent assignment, Lois has to make it work here. No sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, no causing trouble, and no unnecessary attention.

Did you really create a noxious cloud that caused the evacuation of your school in Ohio?

Also: make a friend. Lois already has one, a virtual friend with the screenname SmallvilleGuy, but it would be nice to have another.

Since it is your first day, shouldn't you have arranged to be here on time? And did you really turn your seventh grade class into a 'gambling den'?

Loved this! It is oodles of fun, Lois is a wonderful character to follow, the story would hold up even without Lois's mysterious online friend... but of course, his (virtual) presence just adds to the enjoyment of the story. What I like most is this is a superhero love interest who can and does lead her own life and is equally concerned with protecting others. And at the end of each day, you, like Lois, will be looking forward to hearing from a certain young farmer.

I sincerely hope there are further novels about Lois. She is a deserving partner for the world's foremost superhero and someone we would all want as a friend. Plus, who doesn't want to see her reaction when she finds out that her digital maybe-more-than-a-friend looks like this?

4/1: Not sure how but this just came in the mail, and I'm reading it NOW.

3/11: I just pre-ordered this! I'm a sucker for strong female protagonists and anything superhero/comic book related, so clearly I'm extremely excited for this. Also, at the moment, there is a short story starring Lois available here with a %25 off coupon at the end. Who doesn't love a deal?