A review by mattpfarr
The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Human Origins by Peter Enns



Honestly, I did like some concepts discussed in this book. And it inspired me to really think about my very immature view of the Bible and challenged some of my assumptions. That is good and the reason I gave it 2 stars instead of 1. I honestly did want to finish this book but I just couldn't anymore. I can't.

The problem is that Enns makes so many assumptions and just runs with it. I must have got through more than 10 times he made a statement and then said "and obviously this means ____...." when it was not at all obvious or in some cases even probable. And he doesn't provide evidence or explain further. Enns said it is obvious so it must be so. The subjects he was discussing were interesting even if I may not agree with his viewpoint. I would love to have a discussion or read about it more but not if we are going to rely so heavily on assumptions.

Sorry, I value my time to much to finish this. This is only the 3rd book I have DNF'd; I normally like to finish books. I do not recommend.

The best thing I got out of this book is that God is a storyteller at heart. This struck me as I am trying to become one myself (storyteller not god). So that was kind of cool. It is also incredibly obvious if you read that Bible at all so I am surprised I never realized it.