A review by agrippinaes
Wrong Bed, Right Roommate by Rebecca Brooks


Rating: 3 stars
What I Liked: I enjoyed reading this. It was a very easy read, the writing is good and it was well-paced. I thought both of the main characters were likeable. I enjoyed watching both of them grow and develop as the story went on - her learning to enjoy life and him learning to take things more seriously. I thought their dynamic worked well and they had really strong chemistry. The sex scenes in this book are really steamy, which for some reason took me by surprise -
Spoilerand it was nice to see a few masturbation scenes in this, particularly as they were the heroine - I feel like it’s more common to see them involving the hero.

What I Didn’t: There was nothing I really disliked, except that I found Talia a really infuriating character - but I know that was the point
Spoilerand I guess she did apologise for it at the end, but I found the scene where she went to confront Shawn about his wallowing after ending things with Jessie particularly annoying with her attitude about things.

Overall: I had fun reading this, I barely noticed how quickly I was getting through it. It was a light, low-angst read and there was a lot to like about it.
Would I Recommend It?: Yes, if you want a low-angst, sibling’s best friend, forced proximity romance with a lot of steam.
Would I Read Something By The Author Again?: Yes.
Content Warnings: