A review by lsm239
El Perro Con Sombrero: A Bilingual Doggy Tale by Derek Taylor Kent


This book is funny, clever, and sweet all at the same time. Pepe, el perro (a dog), finds a sombrero in the street one day. The sombrero is his ticket to fame and riches... but he finds himself wanting a family to love him. When Pepe's rival, el gato in zapatos (the cat in shoes), steals his sombrero, Pepe chases him down and in the process finds a family that adopts him. The family adopts el gato as well, and they are "the happiest family in the world.
Each line is written in both English and Spanish. Spanish ELLs or students learning Spanish could all benefit from this book. The illustrations are gorgeous; colorful and poignant, done in a cartoon style which complements the comedic tone of the book. You can feel the expression on the animals' faces, especially when el gato watches Pepe meet his new family.
This book is so well done, it could be used at all grade levels, as a read-aloud for younger students, independent read for older students, and as a language learning tool for all.