A review by booksuperpower
Lady Scandal by Wendy LaCapra


Lady Scandal by Wendy LaCapra is a 2015 Entangled Publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lady Vice, the first book in The Furies series blew me away. So, I have been eagerly anticipating the follow up, and I am happy to report this second book is every bit as good as the first one.

Espionage, Spies, murder, intrigue... it's all here in this complex and riveting tale filled with deceptions, double crosses, and heart stopping action and suspense. But, at the heart of the story is Sophia, a woman with deeply rooted fears and complex emotions. She is secretly married to Lord Randolph, a spy, and a man who was deeply entrenched in her father's world, which she was not aware of until much later. This development has infuriated her, and crushed her ability to trust him.

Lord Randolph is swoon worthy in appearance, but is as complicated as Sophia, flawed and conflicted, with a very troubled past. Now he is near hysteria as he attempts to keep Sophia safe from her enemies, a task she makes quite difficult, and cope with his losing battle with denial. He is in love with Sophia, wants her desperately, but feels she deserves so much better than to keep her mired in the murky world he lives in.

“A spine of iron and a kiss like spring. She is a patchwork of opposites, his love. His fingers tightened around her ankle. His love. His. Love.

Perhaps he needn't send her away. Her could keep her for his own – lock her away in one of his estate's medieval turrets. The mad and fleeting hope was useless. She would never come to her jailer with wanton and willing desire. Better to finish this and set her free where she had a chance to be happy.

He'd been wrong . Love was not buoyant. Love was anguish. Love did not make you weak. Love gave you the strength to do things you found unimaginable.”

Wow! Great stuff!

These novels,so far, have shown the underbelly of the regency period, are fairly dark toned, and I absolutely love it! It's about time an author came along and took historical romance, especially regency period, and shook it up, hopefully starting a whole new trend within a genre which is in serious danger of growing stale.

Once again, I can't say enough good things about this book. I highly recommend it, not only for historical romance lovers, but to those who enjoy romantic suspense and mystery thrillers, as well.

Deserving of every one of these 5 stars!!