A review by jennifermreads
If the Magic Fits by Lissy Marlin, Susan Maupin Schmid


When Darling is promoted to Under-Presser, she finds herself working among the princess’ extravagant and closely guarded wardrobe. But one closet always remains unlocked and, as Darling wanders among the fabrics, she longs to try on just one of these discarded dresses. And when she slips it on and looks in the mirror, she finds she has been transformed into the Head-Scrubber. Will these dresses help her find the adventure she always has longed to have?

It is rare to find a girl who does not long to melt into fairy tales and become a part of their story. If the Magic Fits will fulfill that dream for many a young girl: enchanted castles, fierce but frozen in time dragons, fantastical tales, and, yes, magical dresses. Darling is a young orphan who, when her mother dies in childbirth, is raised by the Under-Stairs staff. She is loved and protected and her head is filled with stories. Those stories often distract her, and, one day, in a fit of rage over Darling’s inattention, the Head-Scrubber thrusts her into the service of the pressers: those charged with ironing the princess’ linens and clothes. That move to the upstairs puts Darling in the position to find the magical dresses and, of course, the dastardly plot that only she can uncover!

Darling is an easy character to love. She is strong and capable, she’s being bullied by her peers, she longs for more from life, and she is easily distracted by stories and lore. All of these qualities will endear her to young readers and the magical elements are sure to enchant them as well.

This is another one that I cannot put my finger on what held it to an “it was good” rating rather than a four-or-five star rating. I wish my own library stocked the series as I definitely can see myself recommending it but I just didn’t love it enough personally to want to read more of the series.