A review by frootjoos
The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb


Well hey! Surprisingly, I enjoyed this. Fans of Russian history and Christianity will, too. (mainly why I was surprised *I* liked it)

Calder is a Fetch, a Death-escort, and not a very good one in his own opinion. He breaks his holy Vows to pursue a human woman and ends up running away from demons (mostly of his own making) while circumnavigating the globe. It is a story of love, forgiveness, sacrifice and mainly, doing the right thing--or what you think is the right thing at the time.

When I first read the premise, I thought, "Cheese." Whitcomb uses speculation about Rasputin and the youngest Romanov children (Alexis and Ana) as a framework for the story, but surprised my by carrying it off well. It intermixes with her Fetch story in such a way that one enhances the other in a decidedly non-cheesy way. Phew.

I'm leaning up to 5 stars on this, but somehow can't quite get there. I don't think it helped that I was on a very long plane ride when I read this.