A review by ja_hopkins
Ambush by Barbara Nickless


We start with Sydney in Mexico, following up a lead a lead related to the Alpha, the shadowy figure behind the threats to her life, and numerous deaths of people close to her. She and the Alpha are looking for Malik, the young Iraqi boy Parnell was close to whilst on a tour in Iraq with the Marines – his secrets are a threat to both, but only the Alpha wants to kill him.
Parnell’s short time in the dangerous streets of Mexico City end with her being assaulted, but on her return to Denver, she becomes involved in the case of a murdered former marine, linked to the Alpha. With Clyde, her dog/partner, Parnell gradually gets closer to the Alpha, and it becomes clear they will stop at nothing to ensure the information Malik has never sees the light of day.
This is another good outing for Parnell. As ever, Nickless writes the lead character with sympathy and depth. She is not flawless, nor is she impregnable or a superhero capable of everything, although of course we know no matter how dire the situation, Parnell must survive, but that is true of any thriller-lead character. The story is more familiar than previous outings (Iraq War conspiracy theory), but that isn’t a problem when it is as well written as this. My only quibble is one or two stylistic things I could do without, but I already have book 4 on my kindle.