A review by randomreader41
Anthem, by Noah Hawley


You ever read something so thought provoking that it leaves you staring at the wall? This is what Anthem has accomplished for me. I have been looking forward to this book since I read Noah’s previous novel, Before the Fall. I went into this one totally blind and I’m so glad I did. (I actually encourage more people to do it.) Any who, back to Anthem. Anthem is a book that makes you think about things going on in the world today and how we can better fix it. Even though the subject material can be upsetting for some, for me it was enlightening and I understood why he used what he used to describe his point or to make you see why the analogy is used.

My favorite line so far: What if empathy doesn’t lead to anything?

This is definitely a five star read and should be read by everyone alike. Great discussion book for book clubs and just general conversation.