A review by ksmarsden
The Mysterious Lord Millcroft by Virginia Heath


Seb has a role to play, if he wants to uncover a smuggling ring. But once Lady Clarissa is on the scene, she could ruin everything... or make everything perfect.

I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

Oooh, that was so much more fun than I was expecting. I loved every page.

We follow Seb Leatham as he is forced to play the role of Lord Millcroft, and mingle with the higher tiers of Society. Not great for a man who'd rather play the servant, than deal with the intricacies and lies of the ton. Not easy, for a man who struggles to speak to women, and can't flirt or charm to save his life.
I loved Seb, he's sweet and definitely one of the good guys. He's a normal guy dropped in the middle of Society, highlighting just how odd it can be.

Lady Clarissa is perfection. She has worked for years to make every move the epitome of grace and elegance; every smile and eye contact enrapturing. She has trained to know the ins and outs of the ton, and has them wrapped around her little finger. All of this is for one aim - to snare a Duke - because anything else would be a waste of her potential.
She meets the real Seb Leatham briefly, when he is recovering from injuring at her friends.
When she meets Seb again, as the supposed "Lord Millcroft" and inadvertently becomes the assistant to his mission. Clarissa sees a chance to help Seb stop the smuggling ring, and to make her Duke jealous enough to push for a final engagement.
I didn't think I was going to like Clarissa, with how shallow she's portrayed to start with; but she becomes so much fun. She's got a good heart, is more intelligent than she allows; and once the challenge is set in front of her, she relishes it.

The plot was awesome, it perfectly balanced the Historical Romance, the Mystery of the smuggling ring, and a thread of warm humour throughout.

I'll definitely be picking up some of Heath's other books.