A review by willowisp79
Her Dragon To Slay by Julia Mills


I have to say, this made a nice change from doom and gloom!

Pretty much the main theme for this was about a dragon shifter finding a mate. -actually THE mate - theres only one, and Rayne has been waiting over 100 years to find his.

Rayne is a commander in a fleet of elite dragon shifters who spend most of their time protecting the rest of the dragons.

A side storyline, which i think will be explored more is one of the dragons that they all thought was dead - isnt. And is slightly annoyed, and thinks they left him to die, so wants revenge. Hes also the brother of twin dragons in the fleet.

Kyndel is the right mix of a fiery character mixed with a soft feminine touch, and Rayne will do anything to get her to be his mate.

But, the "traitor" shows up and Kyndel is caught in the cross fire and hurt - enough to make her not wake up.

A nice, easy book to read and a nice storyline!

Read on behalf of Fae Books for an honest review