A review by branpender12
The Door to the Lost by Jaleigh Johnson

First of all, this cover is outstanding! I am really starting to think that Middle-Grade covers are designed better than Young Adult and by far more interesting! I really enjoyed this book and the characters! I was hooked from the time I read the blurb and I was not disappointed! Middle-grade books have really emerged into the light and seem to be bursting with possibilities!
This magical world is so easy to fall into and will leave the reader wanting more! The MCs Drift and Rook find themselves exiled in an unforgiving realm. They have to do things that they may or may not agree with to survive and earn cash in the black-market bazaar. I really connected with both characters and their mysterious third, who I won’t give any spoilers about. I feel like their struggles and hardships and perseverance will give the reader hope and aspirations to achieve whatever they feel is out of reach. It is so easy to become emotionally invested in this book.
I did not like the way the narration changes, thus the reason for the four stars. I feel like the author could have portrayed this part of the book in a less confusing way through the eyes of one of the actual characters or through a new character but not as a third person narration. The action scenes throughout the book were also weak and I didn’t feel like they helped the MC’s instead they hindered them.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves magical adventures and a tale of friendship. Overall the book was highly developed and well thought out and the few things that I didn’t like are not enough of an issue to stand in the way of recommendations.
Thank you, NetGalley, the publisher, and author for allowing me to read this book. The thoughts and opinions portrayed are my own and in no way influenced by these parties.