A review by donfoolery
Meet Me in the Moon Room: Stories by Ray Vukcevich


I returned my library copy when I ordered my own from the publisher; I just had to have it. I only give it five stars, because I can't give it six.

Folks might get scared off by the collection's description of being "surreal," but it's still very accessible--the cover illustration is definitely appropos. There were two stories that might have been a little on the too-surreal side, but the "The Finger" more than made up for them both. The best story of them all, "White Guys in Space" is absolutely brilliant as a multi-layered cultural commentary that's thinly disguised as a piece of mysogynistic 50s sci-fi pulp shlock.

I was drawn to it because of the brevity of the stories, but I noticed that these were different from the tightly-written-to-the-point-of-breaking microfiction/flash fiction stories I've been reading lately. These were short, short stories that really were precisely as long as they needed to be.