A review by markwillnevercry
Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos by Lucy Knisley


This is the second work that I am reading by this author, so some parts of the review might be aimed more on their general style in this book and "Displacement", so be aware.

Lucy Knisley has this style of sometimes just writing stuff without really thinking about the fact, that what she publishes, goes to people. Some people would say, that we live in the time of post-modernism and one should expect the writer to write more for themselves than for the audience, but I would argue that a work should be analyzed outside it's timeframe also. In case everyone wonders, I am talking about the first chapter, where the writer discusses about how before she gave birth, she found it extremely annoying that parents would mention their child's age in weeks rather than months and what a problem it created for her, which honestly tells us everything we need to know about how empathetic Lucy Knisley is to other people. 
Lucy Knisley manages to write and publish a whole book on pregnancy, history of gynecology and societal misconceptions about pregnancy while mentioning not monogamous cis hetero couples once - and even that is just in one sentence. Sure, it is not the writer's responsibility to educate anyone, but with general vibe of the book, one might be mistaken. 
On page 85, we can find a truly beautiful infographic on prices of different fertility treatments, that fails to mention the fact, that some of them are illegal in certain countries (and with the focus on US, in certain states), while other are behind heavily guarded doors. Must be nice to be able to not pay attention to such issues. 
The acknowledgments are cute. 

I am not writing this to tell, that this book is terrible, has nothing good to say and Lucy Knisley is terrible, I am here to just remind people that just because you suffer trauma, it doesn't mean that you get to cast away all of your privileges. Lucy Knisley wrote an auto-biographical work and it shows, just keep in mind that there is more to every issue than a random person can say about it. 

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