A review by paperbackstash
Bring It On by Kira Sinclair


First the positives - The writing style is awesome. Kira Sinclair keeps it from going into the melodramatic line, masters dialogue, doesn't get cheesy, and keeps it modern and intriguing with word choice. The island setting was beautiful, alluring, sensual. The characters were likeable, even the "bad ones", who came across realistically enough and with their own unique quirks.

For the negatives, sensuality was entered much too early so there was little to look forward to later and on and it became repetitive and dullish during naughty scenes because of this. There was personal tension on why they thought the relationship couldn't work - and yet to me the base tension and reasoning did not hold enough oomph for this to be a novel of this length. More drama and obstacles added in could have made the plot more intricate and with higher tension. This way you could have had higher suspense, wanted to keep reading further, and the pacing would have sped up considerably.

Overall a great writer and I'm eager to see her other stuff, but this plot did not hold enough juice for me to keep it as intriguing as I usually like.