A review by superdilettante
Beyond the Pale Motel by Francesca Lia Block


I'm more worried about FLB's psyche than ever. The main character, Catt comes upon her estranged best friend about to be murdered and dismembered by Catt's ex-husband's brother (a hot guy Catt has already slept with in her attempt to forget her ex, yes), and she screams and throws her phone to save her best friend.

So the hot guy (named Cyan, FLB has so many characters she's running out of names) ties up Catt and injects her with some sort of paralytic drug, and wheels her around in a wheelchair showing off his museum of obscenity that he's installed in a brokedown old motel (the titular location, yes). The last thing he shows her is the freezer full of body parts he's saved in an attempt to create "the perfect woman." And all Catt can think (more than once!) is "I guess I wasn't hot enough for him to want to hack into pieces." Then he takes her heart, because it's the only good part of her. Good thing he didn't take her brain, then his creation would have been ruined.

So ok, if you like the FLB of yesteryear but it didn't have enough cocks and juices for you, maybe you'll like this. But for me....no.