A review by diaryofthebookdragon
The White Rose by Amy Ewing


The Jewel had a nice idea and an interesting setting but it was all ruined by insta-love. Why did I request the sequel then? Blame my optimism. I hoped The White Rose will get right on track. (And there was a pretty dress on the cover.)


* More history. The Jewel left me feeling curious. Why is there a city on an island surrounded with walls? The White Rose did not disappoint me and offered a thorough history and explained how the society got corrupted/twisted the way it is.

* More magic or Auguries, how Amy Ewing decided to call them. Violet will learn a lot more about the powers she possess and her abilities. And she will use them more too.

* Raven, Violet’s best friend, was awesome. In The Jewel Raven didn’t leave any lasting impression on me. But she really shines in The White Rose. Raven is strong, tough, makes good decisions, fights for her sanity. I wish she was the main character.

* More Garnet. Bad boys are my weak spot, so I was thrilled that Garnet has a big role in The White Rose. And it turned out that my fear of him getting involved in a love triangle with Violet was unjustified. What a relief that there were no sparks between them!


* Everything was a big cliche. So this is the point where my long history of reading fantasy and dystopian fiction might have kicked in, but… Even though we learn history of Lone City and get to witness a lot of magic, there were no earth-shattering moments. It was all pretty standard.

* Violet – that girl just irritates me! The list of the things about Violet that made my want to throw my eReader across the room is a mile long:
- Wrong decisions on every step.
- Trying to be noble when it’s unreasonable and only will get her killed.
- Blindly trusting people who lied to her before…
- Refuses to acknowledge any facts she doesn’t like. (For example: that Ash slept with a lot of women.)
- Whenever they tell her to bow her head so no one will notice her, she can’t help looking up. Every! Single! Time!


The Lone City series is a sure example how my tendency to fall for books with pretty covers will be the death of me, or at least the cause of my wish to never read another young adult novel ever again.

All readers who loved The Jewel are going to love The White Rose even more, since they get more action, magic, history and more of their favorite characters. As for me, I was either bored or annoyed depending how stupidly naive was Violet at the moment.

Disclaimer: I received this ebook from Edelweiss in exchange for a fair and honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.