A review by milliegirl21
Circle of Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini


Circle of Quilters is about 5 people - 4 women and one man all applying for 2 jobs at Elm Creek Quilts to be a teacher for their quilting camp. There is a chapter devoted to each of the people applying for the job. The chapters allow the reader to get to know a little about the person and how quilting is a big part of their life. In the last chapter you find out who got the job.

I loved how this book was set up and I was able to get to know the characters and each of their reasons for wanting to get the job. I especially loved the chapter regarding Gretchen and loved how she became empowered at the end to stand up to her so called friend Heidi. Ms. Chaverini does an excellent job of creating relatable characters and I found myself wanting to know more about each one and was sad when I was only able to read a snippet of their lives. I really wanted the story to keep going.

This was the first book I read of Ms. Chiavernin's and after I started reading it I found out that this was the ninth book in the series, but really reads as a stand alone novel and not having read the first 8 did not take away anything from the story. I was still able to follow it and the main players at Elm Creek Quilts were only minor characters in this novel. The main focus was on those 5 applying for the job.

I highly recommend this book and can't wait to read more of Ms. Chaiverini's books.