A review by juicelina
In These Words, Volume 1 by Kichiku Neko


*More of a 2.5*

This was just alright. It started to pick up a little towards the end and I'm hoping the second volume is better. I was expecting something a little more intense and messed up and sure it was kind of that, but it just wasn't enough. It didn't feel psychologically jarring enough for me. The way the case was set up didn't really make sense. It just didn't feel realistic? I also didn't love the writing.

I honestly can't even pin point what exactly I took issue with, but the way this was paneled and drawn, it just didn't flow the way I'm used to manga flowing. Don't get me wrong the art is gorgeous, but sometimes it was too perfect or purposeful. Obviously all panels are purposeful, but there was just something about these that felt off.

And a gripe that has nothing to do with the book, but these aren't printed the way manga usually is. Most manga has this blank space where the pages get bound so that panels don't disappear into the seam of the book and this doesn't have that so I had to nearly break the spine to get the full detail of the page which bothers me. I like to look and read every little thing even if I know it doesn't matter. Also there were so many typos, missing words, one part that wasn't translated but I mean it's self published, I believe, so it is what it is. Everything else about the book, the cover, the art, the paper quality is reallyyyy nice, though. I just wish they'd taken a little more time to edit, but I'm not faulting the story for any of that.

Anyway this was kind of a let down, but I'm hoping I like the next volumes more.