A review by thebeardedpoet
Straight Man by Richard Russo


Not all Richard Russo novels are created equal. I loved Bridge of Sighs, but this novel is an awful experience. I wouldn't recommend this unless you enjoy the company of someone revels in the pettiness of the people all around him because it gives him a chance to further stir the pot and offend just about everyone in the process. The narrator compulsively picks at the wounds of others for no other reason than to have a laugh about it. Not only is the narrator annoying and offensive, but the company he keeps is even worse at times. Lecherous sex-maniacs, insecure ego-trippers, drunks, and phonies.

I'll say this about this novel, I found the sour personalities and petty in-fighting convincing enough to make me very very glad I never went the route of a career in academia. (Of course, I know all English Departments aren't like this one, but the whole thing rang true, depressing as that may be.)

I kept hoping for a turn around, for redemption, for enlightenment, for sympathy, but my patience gave out about halfway through. I couldn't bare it anymore and finally gave up.