A review by lovemydolphins
Pretty Little Secrets by Sara Shepard


I feel like this book had so much potential. But instead, it just fell flat.
Each girl has her own winter break story that comes with resolution. While the stories weren't bad, I think that it was simply lacking any connection with the main series. No A notes, nothing. It's supposed to be from A's point of view though. I mean, that alone sounds interesting, right? I figured it would be an amazing perspective.
How wrong I was.
The stories are just told from a 3rd person perspective (like the regular books), with a little "letter" from A to the reader at the end of each section. The letters say things like "Emily was a naughty girl this year!" Nothing is actually done by A, in terms of revealing secrets or sabotage. And there's no A perspective. I was expecting the writing to be something along the lines of, "I followed Spencer until she reached the club. I positioned myself to get a good view of her from the trees. Then I got an idea. I threw a stick at her. She turned around, scared. I ran away with a giggle." Something kind of spy-like, you know?
Nope. Just a book of winter break stories. Not really any action.