A review by secretmagic
Emblaze by Jessica Shirvington


Oh, My God. This series keeps getting better and better. I’m super impressed. I was already in love with it, but ‘Emblaze’ made it even better. Even more heartbreaking and intense than ‘Enticed’ and I loved it.

With both the Exile and Grigori Scriptures now out in the world, Violet, Lincoln and the Grigori gang have a tough battle on their hands. Fearing what Phoenix could do with the Grigori Scripture (discover all the Grigori partners and destroy them before they get a chance to exist), they must find a way to stop him and stop his attempts to access the Exile Scripture and release Lilith from Hell. It’s a lot to ask of a small group of people, even if they have enhanced angel powers; and if something could go wrong, it pretty much does. At least we get to go on another overseas road-trip; this time to Greece, or more specifically: Santorini.

My only issue with this series is the unknown original location. I can never work out where we’re supposed to be based. I know Jessica Shirvington is Australian, so I would assume we’re in Australia to start off with, especially since we’ve been told it’s a long trip from the Academy (based in New York) and Jordan (first road-trip destination) and now Greece. Well, Australia is pretty isolated, so it makes sense the book would be situated here; but it would be nice to have an actual place named so we’re not just in some unknown city. However, this is a minor problem for me; it doesn’t change how I feel about the series.

I have a hard time dealing with how awesome both guys are. I’ve always been more of a Lincoln girl, but I have soft spot for Phoenix too. He’s not as evil as he tries to be, although he definitely has some evil moments in ‘Emblaze’; I can’t wait to see what he brings to the table in ‘Endless’ (book 4). While Lincoln, oh my poor, tortured Lincoln; he’s so hard on himself, trying to stay away from Violet is a difficult task for him (and kills me, because I really want to see them together) but I couldn’t help smiling every time Linc turned up. I know where my heart lies.

The hardest part of ‘Emblaze’ was watching Violet and Lincoln interact. Knowing they’re soulmates and yet denying each other the chance to be happy; it breaks my heart. But they have some pretty cute and sexy moments still, so it sort of balances out in the end. I hope they get a chance to be happy and together soon.

In my opinion, ‘Emblaze’ didn’t have enough Spence in it. He was there, being his usual funny and cool self; a really good friend for Violet; but towards the end of the book he was sort of forgotten. I understand that Violet was the main focus and with the way the story progressed it would have been unlikely that Spence was at her side the whole time, but I would have liked to see him a bit more involved. At least he’s living in their area in ‘Emblaze’ (with Linc), so he’s got the means to be around more often.

I can’t wait for ‘Endless’
5/5 Stars