A review by lautir
How the Universe Got Its Spots: Diary of a Finite Time in a Finite Space by Janna Levin


Levin does a great job of approaching large theories and ideas in this book while making them understandable to someone with limited knowledge about physics (not that I can claim to understand all of the ones that were discussed).

I think she chose a smart sequence of ideas while tying them into the history of the field.

The only thing I didn't really care for was kind of how everything came back to her ex in the end. This is a guy who gets a few pages here and there but then his name ends up being the last word in the book. There wasn't enough about their relationship in the book to give him meaning to anyone other than the author so it took away from the bigger concepts that were being explored. I'm not sure why she decided to end the book that way and I'm a little bothered by it because I feel like no male writer would have (I do wonder what role publishers/editor may have had in this choice).