A review by wyvernfriend
Althea by Madeleine E. Robins


I did enjoy this story of Althea and Tracy and the rest of the cast. I could see sequel bait in her brother, and while I did like Althea she was also occasionally irritating, particularly when she decided to test Tracy about his love.

The story opens with Althea arriving in her sister Marie's house to escape the assumption by her father and brother that she's going to be the permanent housekeeper for them. She's determined to live and not under their strictures of familial expectations. Tracy finds her interesting and diverting, different to the run-of-the-mill girls his sister-in-law keeps presenting him with. She also gets involved in the love lives of other people.

The story includes a few of the typical tropes of romance novels and I did notice a few typos, but I enjoyed the read overall.