A review by veritytease
The Art of Mutual Pleasure by K.A. Merikan


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Benjamin's health is rapidly deteriorating and he believes that he finds himself in such a woeful prediction because he can't help self-polluting.
Bashing the candle
Pumping the python
Wonking his cronker
On advice from his doctor he undertakes an unusual treatment for his shameful condition.
This consists of consuming the juices of burly strong men, applied directly and in large quantities. This obviously has nothing to do with the shameful practises of other men who indulge in disgraceful practices with other men. This is a remedy for his poor health.
Benjamin is no sodomite, nor is he anything like Frederick, the rake he once spied at school in a tryst with a fellow male pupil and who seems to have been taking up much too much of his thoughts and unsavoury dreams.
What Benjamin soon learns is that the very thing that seems to be killing him may actually give him life.

What a delicious naughty read this was! Filthy in the way only the Merikan ladies can write!
I remember reading the story this book originates from (I received it as a bonus when I signed up for the K.A. Merikan newsletter) and it's been expanded on beautifully.
Who knew such a gem was hidden in a short story.