A review by gen_theromancenerd
End Zone Love by Love Belvin


A solid 4.5 stars. I am so conflicted with Love Belvin's stories. She writes well and the stories are ones I can't DNF, but at least one main character (if not both) in every book of hers I've read truly frustrates my spirit. I understand that she writes romance involving complicated/flawed people. I can get behind that.

What I don't understand is why most of her stories involve people who truly need therapy, but don't get it. I understand the stigma of mental illness/therapy in the black community, but I don't see a professional league with a player fresh out of doing several years in prison not insisting that the man gets therapy.

Better yet, Jade has a friend/co-worker who is openly going to therapy and expresses how it's helped her and she doesn't feel the need to see someone? Also, the non communication is a problem. It's all well and good to be there for your spouse, but the fact that she bottles shit up and when she gets jealous automatically goes into fight or flight (with her CHILD) instead of being an adult and TALKING to the man.

Knowing Ezra, both of the these people had to take premarital classes (I don't know many churches who don't require that prior to member marrying in the church) and yet they fail the most fundamental rule of communication. Trent isn't as bad, but Jade's mom really fucked her up.