A review by usbsticky
Murder in Bel-Air by Cara Black


Here's my general intro for Aimee Leduc books:

"I picked this book because I liked a previous Aimee Leduc book. This book is written in the style of many serial mystery books: they revolve around a central character, his/her support group and a mystery. The central character drama often takes precedent over the mystery and is often the centerpiece of the book. I like this series because the writing is easy to read and follow, I like the characters and the setting (Paris, France). These serials work best if you're binge reading when you quickly follow the characters from one book to the next."

Spoiler/synopsis of this book:

This book revolves around Ivory Coast politics. A young woman from Ivory Coast is killed. Aimes's mom leaves a message asking her to get a package and then deliver it to a man (GBH). Aimee spends 1/2 the book looking for the man and avoiding several parties who wants the package. The CIA, French military, French secret service and Ivory Coast opposition all want the package which may help with a regime change.

Most of the book is fine. I just didn't enjoy the ending and the reveal, which was a bit of a letdown in the way that it was written. Overall, I did enjoy the book as I enjoyed reading about the characters in the series and the French setting.