A review by ambscray
The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths


Rating: 4.5/5

Things I didn't like:

There wasn't a lot to this story I didn't like. I'm not a huge fan of gratuitous romances but seeing as it didn't outweigh the overall mystery I didn't mind it.

Every once in a while I had a bit of difficulty keeping up with the archaeological terms used, not because there weren't proper explanations given, but because there were quite a few. Once again, this didn't take away from the story so it was fine. I got to make use of my Kindle's built-in dictionary! ;)

The one thing I'm still not sure how I feel about is
Spoilerthe fact Ruth is revealed pregnant at the end. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see where that goes.

Things I liked:

Firstly I enjoyed the main character, Ruth Galloway. She was likable from the start and there were only a few times throughout the book when I just wanted to yell at her. (Usually it happened when she was potentially walking right into a dangerous situation without even stopping to think that it might be a dangerous situation.) I enjoyed the fact she was a strong woman who still had plenty of vulnerable moments. She had flaws which she eventually came to acknowledge. All of this made her feel extremely relatable.

I enjoyed the fact that it stayed true to itself as a mystery/crime novel even though it had hints of a blossoming romance. I also enjoyed the fact it didn't tie wrap itself up at the end with a perfect little “and they all lived happily ever after” bow at the end, but that it was still able to end on a high note.

I liked the twist at the end. I did have a suspicion of what might happen, but even when it did I was still taken by surprise.

A good mystery introduces plenty of viable suspects. This book did that, as well as giving the reader multiple characters who were by no means innocent. While there was only one person guilty of the two biggest crimes in the novel, most of the other suspects were by no means harmless or innocent people.

In other words...

This novel was a very fun read. I would've gotten through it a little more quickly had I not been so busy while I was reading. I would definitely recommend it to ladies who love a good mystery (especially if you're like me and enjoy trying to solve the case before the answers are revealed). This story gives plenty of little hints along the way. I will definitely be continuing this series in the near future. I feel like it has potential and I look forward to seeing where it goes.