A review by gaiusgermanicus
Disenchanted: The Trials of Cinderella, by Megan Morrison


1. the MC is named Elegance Coach. YIKES

2. bad worldbuilding, lackluster descriptions

3. nigh unreadable

4. when I checked the publishing year I wasn't surprised to see it was 2016, very obviously written by someone consumed with white guilt and trying to preach about class inequality

5. trying to imitate The tale of Despereaux and failing

6. the MC is this orphan girl whose mother sends a letter to some fairies saying "please give her riches and privilege, I know she'll use them well, unlike the other quints (quint is meant to be an insulting word for rich)".

But the thing is, the letter takes a couple years to get to the fairies and by that time the MC's dad and thus the MC become rich. The MC goes to the best school in the kingdom with the high society powerful children.

And what does she do with this privilege and money and status? Does she "use them well"? No, she complains, she bitches, she moans about it. She's so "not like other girls" she carries around yarn and crocheting needles and even pulls them up during an important event attended by the prince. Who ofc notices this "special" girl who is crocheting during the meal instead of interacting with her classmates.

Give me a fucking break.

I dropped it at 25% in.