A review by chazmo1431
A Stranger at the Door by Jason Pinter


I absolutely love Mr. Pinter's resilient tough as leather character Rachel Marin. I love strong female characters and she wholly embodies that description.

Rachel Marin (an alias) relocated to small town of Ashby Illinois after the gruesome murder of her husband. The investigative skills she'd exhibited in her pursuit of the mayor's killer (see HIDE AWAY) had impressed Ashby PD enough that, now, Rachel works for them as a freelance forensics consultant.

The criminals in this book are gruesome so be forewarned. There are many surprises on who is saving who and how far a parent will go to protect their children. You won't be disappointed if you like murder mysteries and some gruesome ways to die. I look forward to the the next book and this book wrapped me in its clutches from the start. A must read!!