A review by onsn
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty


Aaaand it's over!!!
This was perfection. I love the feeling of finishing a trilogy with a very well-done ending. Usually, a lot of awesome books with great characters and an exciting plot go awry at the ending.
Not this one, however. I wouldn't have it end any other way.
This book isn't exactly small, and yet I finished it in 2 days.
It was action from start to finish, a quintessential pull-an-all-nighter book, and I was worth my lost sleep.
The book starts with
SpoilerNahri and Ali stranded in Egypt, magic failing all over the world, Daevabad fallen to its conquerors, and a civil war brewing in its depths. All in all, a lot of crap to fix.

The journey the characters take, Nahri, Ali, and Dara, towards fixing their world changes them in the process. Characters embrace their true selves even if it means risking unacceptance from others, they stand for what is right at the risk of floating all their believes, and in the end, are all changed for the better for it.
The way *certain character's* arch was tied resulted in a copious river of tearsssss, but it made sense. I accept it even if it was painful.
“If what I have seen is true, it means there is peace for the worst of us. Rest for those who do not deserve it. It was beautiful. And it spoke to a mercy this world does not deserve.”
This was a perfect ending for a beautiful trilogy, world, story, and set of intriguingly imperfect characters, and I'm ever so glad I decided to read it.
Bye, you wonderful trilogy.