A review by 1outside
Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey by Richard Ayoade


I assumed I'd love this. I was wrong.

This book somehow manages to be a relatively quick read, and not an easy read at the same time.
If it weren't for the occasionally brilliant satire bits, the dull satire bits would make it pretty easy to put down. But once you know there is *some* greatness within you just have to make it all the way through.

But yeah, reading it as an e-book is a bit of a murder. I wish I read the review mentioning it before I flippin bought it as an e-book.

I don't quite think Ayoade is an exception, comedy - esp. of the satirical kind - just often lands better when it's complete with a performance. I just love every second of him on screen, in any show, ever. And this book just somehow lacks his presence. Not enough Ayoade? Is that possible? Well.