A review by katkinney
A Consuming Love by Kelly Miller


I am a big fan of Kelly Miller’s Jane Austen retellings and this one did not disappoint! Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley are out in the country looking for a new property for Mr. Bingley to lease. Mr. Bennett takes them on a tour of one such property along with Elizabeth, who is quite knowledgeable in the affairs of the property as well as books and other interesting topics. Mr. Darcy is intrigued, but unfortunately her family’s fortunes are not suitable for her to be an appropriate match. Upon returning home Bingley’s sisters inform him they are very upset that their brother is interested in Jane and how this will ruin the family. Perhaps Mr. Darcy now has a chance to wander into Elizabeth’s circle once again.

I love the way that this variation, like Miller’s other P&P variations, perfectly capture the style of the period writing. I find myself completely immersed in the wonderfully described setting and characters, and enjoying the twists on the familiar story all P&P fans know and love. She writes Elizabeth’s bright charm so wonderfully, and Darcy’s firm insistence he cannot possible like the woman, while being utterly unable to stop thinking about her, is spot on, too. I liked the way in this variation, Georgiana (one of my favorite characters!) is stronger and more forward with her brother in insisting he discuss matters with her as an adult. Darcy’s scene with Mr. Collins was a personal favorite! The drama that occurs as a result of Caroline Bingley’s machinations was especially fun to read, as always.

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.