A review by jaylejoy
Explorations of a Cosmic Soul by Allie Michelle


Rating: 2.5
Re-Read Factor: No

"Your voice is your most powerful tool
In creating a reality set by your own rules
Speak up with what works for you
Your dreams will be successful
If you honor what is true"

[b:Explorations of a Cosmic Soul|38234898|Explorations of a Cosmic Soul|Allie Michelle|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1517258887l/38234898._SY75_.jpg|59917330] is your run-of-the-mill Instagram poetry collection that strings words aesthetically rather than have much meaning behind them. One caveat I have with the formatting of the poems are the ones that are handwritten. If styled a little more legibly, it would be easier to read. I was mostly trying to read what was presented on the page rather than absorbing the content on the page, which was sadly detracting from the reading experience.