A review by bookwormlala
Falling In by Lydia Michaels



Scout is a woman that has been homeless all of her life. She obtains a position at a hotel, and one day while cleaning the penthouse, she meets the owner, Lucien. She expects him to fire her for knocking some of his papers over, but instead he ends up propositioning her. They enter a relationship that is supposed to be companionship and sex, her with the hopes of having a more secure future off the streets, but turns into something more.

I liked that we got both POVs, because I wanted to know what Lucien was thinking. I liked his protectiveness and dominance. I liked Scout's drive, independence, and I understood her need for security. We didn't witness them in many social situations, other than with their immediate circle. I dislike Slade. Something is going on with him and the woman he and Lucian used to share. But aren't given many details.And at first, I liked Parker, because I just thought he had Scout's best interest in mind. But with the last chapter, I feel a hint of dislike. The sex was pretty good.I am really looking forward to the next book.