A review by eyreguide
Struck By Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal by Chris Colfer


This book is made up of Carson Phillips' journal entries, some newspaper articles and a literary journal to tell the story. Carson's darkly sarcastic voice is very entertaining and so funny, as he tries his hardest to make something of his life despite what sounds like the worst high school in existence. Teenage angst and prejudice and cruelty is very much in evidence, but Carson's lighting wit tears through the superficial layers of the characters and reveals a lot of heart in even the most unlikable characters. Although Carson is the hero of the story, he has his flaws as well, and although it does seem justified compared to the flaws of his fellow classmates, it grounds the story by making it feel like a realistic study in character.

The story is mostly character-driven, because it is about Carson's underhanded efforts to get into Northwestern University, and how he uncovers the secrets of some of his popular fellow students, and Carson is the one who really carries the story. Don't expect alot of plot or even many twists and turns (except for the secrets the students are hiding). The only thing I had trouble with was the ending, which seemed so unexpected and I found it hard to understand why it had to end that way. But I know this is a personal preference, and it really doesn't change how very enjoyable I found the whole of the story.