A review by seffra
Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole


4 Stars

Ok, Seffra of the past was a biiiitchhhh LOL

I really enjoyed this story a second time around. I felt the same about the Tim sitch, he was an asshole who deserved to suffer but she still cheated at the end of the day.

BUUUUT, I loved Holly so much in this book. She was such a wonderfully written character. Her character growth was a true hero's journey and I loved her. I also really enjoyed Cade's story of self worth and recognizing faults of his own but also the faults of others.

He was also HIGHHH-LARIOUS!!!


2.5 stars

Oh Cade.

I was intrigued by you in books 2 and 3 that I couldn't wait to get my hands on your book.

But, guys and gals, I think the magic from the imaginary goat sacrifice has waned and it might have died.

I dunno, it was just lacking that ompf that the previous ones had. The love story was great but I just couldn't accept Holly cheating on Tim even though he wasn't that great a guy. You have a boyfriend, girl. One who you keep saying is amazing and kind and caring...but obvs he wasn't. I felt like Cole wrote that in so we wouldn't hate Holly.

But no.

You weren't single when you started things up with Cade.

And CADE. I really did love him.

I did like the overall plot of this but it wasn't what I was expecting for this story. And don't get me started on Rydstrom.....so not excited for him and that twat-muffin.