A review by marcopoloreads
Behind You by Jacqueline Woodson


Sequel of If You Come Softly, Behind You by Jacqueline Woodson follows the aftermath of the past book.

What I liked:
-The surrealism aspect of this book where we follow the point of view of ghosts
-Characters were better developed in this book
-The writing

What I didn’t like:
-The plot (literally nothing happened). This sequel to me was a bit unnecessary, and it could have easily have been added to the previous book to be one book because it’s mostly about the characters processing what happened to them
-I was really hoping the author would have explored the surrealism element in this book. It was only used a little bit and it had a lot of potential to make this book great

Overall this book was alright! Though to some extent it was disappointing. I think my main issue with this book is that very little happened, which was a problem I had with the past book of the series.