A review by rayne
Power & Choice by Lucy Smoke


2.5 stars I found this hard to get my head around. I was really looking forward to delving into the world of Iris again and seeing where the next case was taking them. The story fell flat when the characterisation didn’t seem to develop any further than it had in the first book. The guys are still treating Harlow as though she is a kid, even though they want to ‘do’ more with her in other ways. She still knows little to nothing about Iris - which means as a reader we know little to nothing. Her ‘training’ doesn’t seem to be getting her anywhere. Harlow’s character is insufferably immature in one respect and then seemingly ‘genius’ in others. Add the side characters and there are just too many loose ends and no direction. I felt that maybe the author lost a bit of balance in the information dumping area. Less about how fragile Harlow is (tired, not focused, checking out butt) and more about what the hell is going on. It’s ok to miss something out if it is covered or explained or makes sense later on but alas, it didn’t happen enough for me.